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Thursday, February 4, 2016


LAWSUIT AGAINST DUPROPRIO INC. - The OACIQ filed a motion for declaratory judgment

Montréal (Québec), October 11, 2013 - the Organisme d’autoréglementation du courtage immobilier (OACIQ) has just filed a motion for declaratory judgment against DuProprio inc. company with the Quebec Superior Court in Civil Matters. The aim of this motion is to determine whether the activities of DuProprio violate the Real Estate Brokerage Act, as maintained by the OACIQ.
“Our role is to ensure that the interests of the public in real estate brokerage matters are respected. That’s why we deem it necessary to clearly define the nature of activities of DuProprio”, stated Mr. Robert Nadeau, President and Chief Executive Officer of the OACIQ.
Remember that the OACIQ took legal action against DuProprio in 2009 on the grounds of having acted in a way that led others to believe that the company was authorized to carry out real estate brokerage activities, despite having no licence to do so. Following the judgment acquitting DuProprio, the Organization appealed the decision, which was confirmed by the Quebec Superior Court in Penal Matters in 2013.
“As this last judgment does not, however, allow for deciding on the scope of broker’s activities, we have decided not to appeal the decision and have instead filed a motion for declaratory judgment to analyze the entire business model of DuProprio. As the main mission of the OACIQ is to enforce the Real Estate Brokerage Act, it is our duty to see this process through to its conclusion”, concludes M. Nadeau.
About the OACIQ
The OACIQ’s main mission is to ensure public protection in the field of real estate and mortgage brokerage, among other things, by supervising and overseeing the professional activities of real estate brokers in accordance with the Real Estate Brokerage Act. In this regard, it is responsible for applying the rules of professional conduct and conducting inspection of licence holders. The OACIQ also helps promoting brokers’ skills and professionalism among public, particularly by the quality of its trainings. In addition, the OACIQ ensures the development of best practices in real estate and mortgage brokerage in Quebec.
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Source: OACIQ
Information: Stéphanie Fournier – Media Relations
Tel.: 450 462-9800 ou 1 800 440-7170, poste 8693 |