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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Thinking about selling or buying?

Paul and Diane are Real Estate Agents who have experience that exceeds all expectations. Regardless of how large the task, Paul and Diane will rise to the challenge to win the day by using their knowledge and tenacity to overcome all obstacles.

Paul and Diane live in Saint-Lazare therefore they are familiar with the surrounding areas.

Paul and Diane know the market. They have a wealth of knowledge about urban and rural living plus they are master negotiators.

Diane & Paul accredit their success to excellent full time service, commitment and a knowledgeable and personable approach to their clients

Paul and Diane offer bilingual service.

Paul and Diane are consistent top producers. They are able to produce winning results for home buyers and sellers alike.

With much of their business originating from repeat clients and their referrals, Paul and Diane have dedicated many years building lifetime relationships.

Paul and Diane are community oriented. They can help you discover that community.

Paul and Diane…..more than just agents.

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