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Thursday, January 19, 2012

More about Facebook

Why Facebook is about to get much more annoying....
At a press event scheduled for Wednesday, Facebook is expecting to roll out two new features that advertisers may love, and many users will also find interesting, but they’ll also make the social network much more annoying.
First of all, the company has announced it will roll out the Timeline feature in the next few days to all users.
What does that mean?
It means the current profile and wall format will be replaced with a much sleeker design with large photos, that keeps a historical record of everything a user has done.
I love the Timeline feature, but I know from experience that many Facebook users hate when the company messes with the look of the program.
Whenever it does, the complaints on Facebook are incessant.
Another new feature coming to Facebook is the open social graph. This is an opt-in feature, because if it weren’t, it would be a tremendous invasion of privacy.
The open social graph will allow people to share just about everything they do on the Internet with their Facebook friends.
So if you read this blog, your friends may see that posted on your Timeline (don’t worry: if people see you read this blog regularly, they’ll think you’re brilliant). If you watch a video, the link will be posted. If you make a purchase … you get the idea.
The problem with the open graph, however, is that while it’s a boon to advertisers, it will be more of an annoyance for most Facebook users.
Luckily, the news feed will be spared. This information will be limited to a person’s Timeline, according to this report.
That’s good, because a news feed is for important information like daily location check-ins at Second Cup and hundreds of daily  Farmville and Mafia Wars updates. No. I don’t care that you have a flock of sheep!
Will the open graph be a huge step forward for Facebook? The company sure hopes so, but it seems every attempt at getting people to engage more with brands online has been met with only limited success. Have any businesses really seen major boosts by encouraging users to check in? If you see your friend frequents a particular coffee shop, will that make you more likely to visit it as well? Perhaps, but it may be one of 100 factors that influences your decision.
A new study has shown that
while Canadians research their purchases online, many think that Facebook should just be reserved for personal connections. They see advertising as an intrusion, kinda like if someone interrupted a conversation between friends to sell them beer.

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