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Monday, November 21, 2016

Royal LePage Christmas Charity Auction: Monday, November 28th

Event: Royal LePage Charity Auction
Date: Monday, November 28th
Time: 7:00 p.m. 
Place: Hudson Village Theatre

Hello Everyone,

It's hard to believe as our never-ending fall continues that Christmas and the holiday season is around the corner . This is the time of year to enjoy and celebrate the season with family and friends. It's also important to think of those who without our help will not be able to enjoy what we take for granted.

This year the Brokers at Royal Lepage Village will endeavor with your generous help to raise money for the Hudson Firemen's Auction. The purpose is to donate funds to the Hudson Food Bank/Pont Bridging so that Christmas baskets can be prepared and distributed to many families who live in Hudson, Saint-Lazare, Rigaud and Vaudreuil. This is a traditional Hudson Christmas event and we are hoping for your support. The Firemen need ~ $12,000 to be able to prepare these Christmas baskets.

DATE: Monday November 28th

PLACE: Hudson Village Theatre

TIME: 7:00 pm.

Auctions are a lot of please may we count on your presence? It's a fun evening...for a great cause.

Our office is also in need of donations and these can be dropped off at the Royal LePage Office in Hudson. The address is 472B Main Road, Hudson. 450.458.5365. We accept gift cards, antiques, paintings, china, toys, Christmas items and more. If you have any questions, please call the Royal LePage office.

If you'd like to make a donation, please drop off a cheque to our office. Cheques can be made out to: Le Pont Bridging Food Bank.

This is a Community that cares...hope to see you there!

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