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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Paul Reid's Christmas: Monday, December 3rd

Hudson Historical Society / Societé historique de Hudson
meeting / presentation

7:30PM Monday, December 3, 2018
lundi, 3 decembre, 19:30 eglise St James

St-James Church, Memorial Hall
642 Main Road, Hudson
The Hudson Historical Society is pleased to announce that we will be hosting "A Paul Reid Christmas" listening party at St-James Church, 642 Main, Hudson Qc. Monday, December 3rd, 2018 at 7:30.

Mike Reid, Paul's son will be there to give a short presentation on the life and times of Paul and his family and then, with the help of a beverage or two and some Christmas nibbles, we will listen to his Christmas Album.

Some of Paul's recordings on CD will be available for purchase at the event. A portion of the CD profits will return to the Society and also help send kids to Scout Camp.

Start your Christmas Spirit this season with Paul Reid!

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